Monday, 9 March 2009

C'mon, its a romp

For those that are interested this is a version of a review that I put up at Amazon UK recently.

I have recently acquired the Fantastic Four double box set. I'm not proud of it. It's a bit like my fried chicken habit, and to be honest it cost less that a maxed out meal at my local takeaway (with many fewer calories). Also, much like fried chicken, even when I was eating/watching it I knew that it's no good for me but I kept going.

The individual films both have a large number of reviews all over the internet already so I'm not going to add too much. They pretty much jump on the bandwagon of the rebirth of superhero films over the last decade or so and there is nothing in them that you won't have seen elsewhere. To be clear, there is also nothing in these films that I found terrible (although some would disagree, and even I found the fall of Ioan 'Hornblower' Gruffudd to be tragic). Unfortunately there's not a lot to love either. Looking back there's no scene that particularly stands out for me from either film and that, for what is billed as an CGI heavy action film, says a lot. However, I did watch it through to the end so it couldn't have been all bad.

As for the boxed set itself, in my set I got, what I imagine are, the two single disk standalone DVDs in separate plastic cases but packaged together in an additional cardboard box. As far as I can tell there are only English subtitles on both. As for extras:

F4: Cast commentary, the Fantastic Tour (i.e. video diaries by and with cast and crew) , two music videos (and an album trailer) and bizarrely a plug for X Men 3
F4RotSS: A bunch of trailers, a couple of commentaries (one from the director and one from the producer + film editors) some extended and deleted scenes, some pre-vis scenes (i.e. very basic animated story boards), a feature on the the 'Fantasticar' and a documentary on some guy's relationship with the Fantastic Four comics.

I can't say that this is going to change your life, but these two films are mildly diverting for a few hours and they are better for your waistline than eating fried chicken...

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